Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dad's super-tender tako

tako (octopus) recipe

clean tako, pour rock salt and massage to get slime off, no need to beat tako for it to be tender; rinse well as tako will lose water while cooking and salt will be concentrated. Place tako in pot with no water. Set heat on high. The heat will cause water to bleed from tako. When the water begins to boil, cover pot and reduce heat to low. Let tako cook for approximately 30 minutes, check for tenderness. If still rubbery, let tako cook further, checking every 5-8 minutes. Remove pot from heat and pour out liquid when tako is tender, cut and serve. Further cooking will make the tako mushy! Guarantee tender tako when cooked this way. Remember, use no water and slow cook and enjoy!

Tako cooked this way can be enjoyed plain or with your favorite dipping sauce. One popular choice in my household is a basic miso dipping sauce. The recipe is as follows: miso, sugar, a little rice wine vinegar-no exact proportions, all to personal taste.

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