Monday, December 3, 2007

Ahi Katsu

I think this dish was originally created by Chef Russell Siu, but it can be found very easily on the internet. If you haven't tried it yet, you're missing out. Super ono! It's all about the sauce....

Ahi Katsu
8 ounces Ahi
4 nori sheets
1 bunch spinach -- stemmed and diced
2 cups panko 2 eggs
1 ounce water
1 cup flour plus extra to dredge
1 quart vegetable oil
salt and black pepper

Wasabi-Ginger Sauce
1 shallot -- chopped
1 inch ginger -- chopped
1 tablespoon wasabi
1/4 cup rice vinegar
1/4 cup white wine
1 ounce heavy cream
1 ounce shoyu
4 ounces unsalted butter -- cut into 1 oz. cubes

Cut ahi into pieces as long as a nori wrapper and 1-inch thick. Spread nori sheets out. Line with spinach. Place one piece of ahi on each sheet. Season with salt and pepper. Top again with spinach. Roll and seal with water. Beat eggs with water and 1 cup flour. Consistency should be the same as pancake batter. Put extra flour in one plate and panko in another. Roll wrapped ahi into dry flour, then into batter mixture, and then into the panko breading, making sure all parts are covered. Deep fry in hot oil. Turn to allow even browning. Spoon some sauce onto small plate. Slice cooked ahi rolls into 6 pieces (about 1 1/2" pieces) and arrange on plate. Enjoy!

Wasabi-Ginger Butter Sauce Place shallot, ginger, wasabi, rice vinegar and wine into sauce pan on medium heat and allow liquid to reduce to about 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons. Add cream and reduce by one half. Add shoyu and turn heat to low. Whisk in butter cubes one at a time until incorporated. Remove from heat. Place about 1 oz. of sauce on plate. Slice ahi rolls into 6 pieces and arrange on wasabi ginger sauce.

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